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Mutiara Yasmin

Freelance Linguist


I was born and raised in Surabaya, a city in East Java, Indonesia,

to parents who had always loved languages. In the multicultural family, I had discovered love

for words and languages too

since very early childhood.

Later, I moved to Jakarta, the bustling capital city of Indonesia, and started a personal pursuit of self-exploration and improvement. The journey has then brought me

to opportunities to work with languages and craft words.

So far, I speak Indonesian and English on a native speaker level, but I also know intermediate

French and basic Russian. 

Helping others understand

each other better ever since has shown me touched hearts, reached dreams, and transformed lives. Nothing compares to these things.  

Ask for my CV
About me and what I do

Today, I craft words professionally for people and agencies.

I work freelance to provide

language services for my

valued clients in Indonesia

and many other countries, using years of my experiences

as well as my never-ending

learning attitude
in translating, interpreting,

writing, editing, proofreading,

and language consulting.

I currently work with English

and Indonesian languages,

but please don't hesitate to

contact me still if you have a need in other languages. I'd be more than happy to connect you with my recommended partners.

With me at your service,

it's always a path to excellence.

I am a certified professional translator of HPI (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia/Association of Indonesian Translators)

for English-Indonesian general text translation, consequently a registered member of Fédération Internationale

des Traducteurs/International Federation of Translators, and of AICI (Association of Indonesian

Conference Interpreters/Perkumpulan Jurubahasa Konferensi Indonesia).

Also, I am UKBI-certified (Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia/Indonesian Language Proficiency Test)

at the scoring level of “Sangat Unggul” (Superior). So, no worries.

My certification

Satisfied clients for whom I have been involved in my past projects include:

My clients
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References, quote, and contact
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